Various types of Twins
Twins are one of the separate kinds in human birth history. As it is very rare during birth it always marks a separate place in life. Also not every twin’s looks like same. On the before topic of fertilization , we saw what fertilization is, and how a normal baby is formed through fertilization. In a nutshell, fertilization is the process, where a sperm meets the egg, and brings a new life. But it needs to be considered, that how a sperm fertilizes the egg and how a baby is born. A baby can be born as single if only one sperm fertilizes the ovum and that ovum makes its journey without dividing. But there are several possibilities in which fertilization can occur. Those possibilities may result in various types of twins, which are, Identical twins Non-identical twins Semi identical twins Mirror image twins Mixed chromosome twins Heteropaternal superfecundation Superfetation Turner twins Polar body twins Parasitic twins Biraci...