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Principle behind Solar and Lunar Eclipses!

       Eclipses are one of the cosmological events that occur due to the celestial bodies. An eclipse is one, in which the light from one celestial body is blocked partially or fully by another celestial body, to the observer. The eclipses are mainly caused by the moons of the planets . A planet with more moons has more eclipses. On Earth, the eclipse occurs rarely because the earth has only one moon. So on earth, it is observed as a rare cosmological event. Now let’s look at the types of eclipses and how does it occur on earth. Difference between a solar and lunar eclipse     Generally, the moon, which is causing all the eclipses, can make it in two different forms, namely Solar Eclipse Lunar eclipse        Both types of eclipses are caused by the shadow effect. A Solar Eclipse occurs, when the moon passes between the sun and the earth. Here the moon’s shadow is made to fall on the earth thereby blocking the light from the sun. Whereas, a lunar eclipse occurs, when the earth passes

How does a candle burn?

      A candle is one of the artificial lights made by humans. Before electricity was found oil lamps and tallow candles (candles made from animal fat) were used to light up the houses at the night. After petroleum was found, candle manufacturing becomes revolutionized. Those candles were made up of wax. Waxes are one of the products that were extracted from the different compositions of crude oil.   The candle made up of wax mostly contains hydrocarbons . Hydrocarbons are the combination of hydrogen and carbon atoms. The working of the candle is an impressive operation. Let’s look into it.     A candle mainly consists of two parts; one is the wax which is the long solid part and the other one is the wick which is the thick thread-like structure placed inside the wax. The wick runs all along inside the wax stick and the little is made to sprout out at the top. The candle works by heating up the wax and combining it with the oxidizer (oxygen), to give fire. The main principle of th

Different types of gaming technology

       Video games play a great entertainment role in human life. From small children to older ones; all love video games. In fact, we can say that there is a separate world for video games. The first computer video game was developed by William Higinbotham in the year 1958. This video game was a simple tennis game for two players which was made in large television boxes. From that year to this year, the technology has evolved so much, which developed the video games from big rectangular boxes to small handheld devices.     Video games are types of video interacted gameplay. By getting the input from the user the video graphics are displayed on the TV. These video games are played on various platforms like colorful machine boxes called arcade games, consoles, Personal Computers (PCs), mobile phones. The consoles and mobile phone games are the most developed gaming technology. We might hear about the games on PCs and mobile phones but not about arcade games and consoles.     The arca