Seasons of Earth (Solstice and Equinox)
Our Earth is the only known planet to sustain life in the solar system; as it is present in the habitable zone around the sun. Our Earth is gravitationally bonded to the sun which makes us revolve around our star continuously. Our earth revolves around the sun (one complete round) over a period of one year. Over this period our earth encounters various situations; among which one of the main situations is seasons. Spring Summer Autumn Winter Our earth mainly encounters four seasons, namely summer, winter, spring, and autumn. These seasons are commonly called as temperate seasons. Even though there are four seasons, some locations particularly near the equatorial regions experience different seasons as the rainy season, on behalf of winter. Before knowing about each of these seasons, let’s know how these seasons occur at the first step. We know that our earth is tilted at 23.4 degrees....