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Electromagnetic Spectrum and its types!

    Electric Charges         We live in a place of visible and invisible rays of radiation. These radiations are originated from sources that possess an  electromagnetic field. An electromagnetic field is a combination of both electric and magnetic fields. Every particle has a charge which makes it to have an electric field around it. This electric field is produced from charged particles like protons and electrons. This electric field surrounds the charged particle as long as the particle possesses the charge. The magnetic field is produced when the charged particles are in motion , such that all the charged particle points in the same direction and constitute the magnetic field. A moving charged particle also creates an electric field in combination with the magnetic field, thus producing together as an electromagnetic field. This process can be simply demonstrated by passing electricity through a conductor. When passing electricity, the electrons in the conductor will be in motion

How a South Asian monsoon occurs (Southwest and Northeast)?

            Monsoon is one of the  seasonal winds  that bring a huge amount of rain over the  tropical regions  during a particular season. The monsoon wind comes under the classification of  global air circulation  which blew over the earth, due to the temperature difference in it. Global air circulation carries the main responsibility to satisfy the temperature over the earth. To know more about the global air circulation with a clear representation, please visit the below article, The word monsoon comes from the Arabic word “mausim” which means seasons. Monsoon is normally a sea breeze , happening on an immense scale. A sea breeze is the flow of wind from sea to land. During the daytime, when the land gets hotter than the ocean, a pressure difference will be created. This pressure difference causes the movement of air from the high-pressure region to low pressure region. This movement of air is

Jet streams| Types of Jet streams| Effect of Jet Streams on weather

       Jet streams  are fast-flowing winds that circulate over the globe at a higher atmosphere. It is the part of global air circulation situated over the tropopause. Global air circulations are one of the primary things established under three cell categories to redistribute the heat all over the globe. Jet streams are formed during these redistributions. The major jet streams that form via the global air circulation are subtropical jet streams and polar jet streams. The subtropical jet stream originates at the subtropical region, and the polar jet stream originates at the subpolar region. These jet streams are permanent winds that exist in both the northern and the southern hemispheres, and flow around the globe all around the year. To know more about the global air circulation, please visit the following link. Jet Streams produced by the Global Air circulation      A jet stream is mainly ca