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Male Reproductive System

   Please note: This article contains sexual health content and it is purely made for educational purposes. Sex cells     The reproductive  system in humans is one kind of system which enables a human to produce an offspring. This reproductive system is present in both males and females.  But generally, an offspring is produced in the female reproductive system with the help of the male productive system. The female reproductive system produces ovum as their sex cell and the male reproductive system produces sperm as their sex cell. When the sperm meets the ovum in the female reproductive system,   fertilization happens  and an offspring begins to form. The process of the female reproductive system is briefly explained in my previous post.      The male reproductive system is also a complex structure similar to the female reproductive system. The male reproductive system is located in the lower abdominal re

Female Reproductive System

   Please note: This article contains sexual health content and it is purely made for educational purposes.      Sex cells      The female reproductive system is a type of system which has the capability of producing offspring that can develop into a fully-formed human being. The female reproductive system is located in the lower abdominal region of a woman, where its main job is to produce an ovum; also called as an unfertilized egg (a female sex cell) for fertilization. Similar to the female reproductive system, the  male reproductive system also produces its sex cells called sperms. When both the sex cell (ovum and sperm) meets, fertilization  happens in the female reproductive system and could develop into a baby. Fertilization is the process of fusion of two different types of sex cells to form a single cell. We can discuss the process of the male reproductive system and the process of fertilization briefly, in our next to next post. Now let’s see how the female reproductive

How an ignition system works?

      A system that is used for starting the vehicle, by igniting (firing) the engines at a correct sequence is called the ignition system. An engine is a single or collection of many cylinders, where the fuel is burnt inside each cylinder by introducing a spark . This causes the piston present inside the cylinder to move up and down, thereby producing rotational energy. Credit (Four-stroke engine): By 4-Stroke-Engine.gif: UtzOnBike (3D-model & animation: Autodesk Inventor)derivative work: Cuddlyable3 and Jahobr - 4-Stroke-Engine.gif, CC BY-SA 3.0, To know how an engine works please visit my previous blog:        The spark introduced in the cylinder should be at the right time, when the piston compresses the air-fuel mixture. This is done by the ignition system which introduces a high voltage spark at the spark plug, through an ing

Difference between Snow, Sleet, Freezing rain, Graupel, Hail, Rain and Drizzle (Precipitation)!

      Precipitation is one of the steps in the water cycle in which the clouds gets transformed into some sort of particles under condensation and falls over the earth by gravity. The rising warm air molecules from the earth, due to the heating of the sun are generally cooled (condensed) on the upper atmosphere and made to fall on the earth. The condensed air molecules in the sky fall on the earth under many categories depending upon the atmospheric temperature and pressure. This precipitation can be classified into solid precipitation and liquid precipitation . Different forms of precipitation Solid precipitation Snow Sleet Freezing rain Graupel Hail Liquid Precipitation Rain and drizzle        All these forms of precipitation begin with the cloud . There are different types of clouds categorized by their shape and height. They are Cirrus clouds, cumulus clouds, stratus clouds and nimbus clouds. A combination of the above clouds is also available namely cirrocumulus, nimbostratus,