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Different types of Internet connections!

      Internet is now the ruling power of the world. Everything today is the internet. Even a country’s economy majorly depends upon the internet. From messages to persons, to distant planet communication, all depends upon the internet. Without the internet, the world we think will come to a halt.     Starting from a child to the death of a human, the internet plays a vital role in human life. Even the basic needs like food, cloth, and shelter of a human, can be controlled over the internet today. But how the internet makes its value, to a huge amount today? Why people are running towards the internet today? Let’s dig in.....     First and foremost, the internet is nothing but a data transfer from one place to another place.  A data can be music, video, or even a message. The transfer process of data is called the internet. Internet is not an imaginary source in the world where we can access data. Rather, it is also a computer where we request data (e.g. video) to show us. Major comp

Working principle and compounding (Pressure and velocity) of Steam Turbine!

         A steam turbine is one that is considered as the heart of the thermal power plant. This machine produces mechanical energy by converting the heat energy of the steam into kinetic energy. This heat energy is derived in various ways in various thermal power plants. In a coal-based thermal power plant, this heat energy is derived from a boiler, where the coal is burnt. To know how steam is produced in the coal-based thermal power plant, please visit my previous post.     Credit (Steam Turbine):  By MAN SE, CC BY 3.0,  There are generally two types of steam turbine, which produces mechanical energy through steam. They are, Impulse turbine Reaction turbine AirFoil shape           Both types of turbines use steam as their working medium for producing mechanical energy. A steam turbine is a collection of several blades constructed aroun

How a Thermal power plant works (Coal Based)?

      Electricity is one of the basic needs for all the people in the world. It helps us to power the electrical and electronic devices we use daily. This electricity comes to our home, from a faraway power plant. A Power Plant is a place in which electrical energy is generated through some means. There are various means through which electricity is generated. One of the major power plants that do a major contribution in generating a large amount of electricity is the thermal power plant. More than half of the electricity needs in the world is supplied by thermal power plants. There are many types of thermal power plants, which use the heat energy of a particular medium to generate electricity. The major types of thermal power plants are, Coal-based thermal power plant Nuclear thermal power plant Geothermal power plant Solar thermal power plant   All these power plants use water as a working fluid for generating electricity. Among all these power plants, the coal-based thermal power